Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Cheif Editor

So Jason got home and I was excited to show him all my work setting up our family blog, and his first comment was ummm honey we definitly met in 2003 NOT 2004. WOOPSY! Hey I'm only human right. He also suggested since his monaker of choice for me is Honey that ofcourse I should be Honey B, and it only makes sense that he would be Worker B, see he brings alot to the table here right? So I lovingly/rolling my eyes made the changes but stopped him at my many comma blunders, a girl has her limits.


  1. That's funny. . . Are you putting anything on your tomatoes to keep pests away? I checked my tomatoes this a.m. and the one grape tomato that had started turning red has a big bite mark in it :(

  2. Oh no! Nope not yet none of ours are ripening yet but I have noticed the leaves look like they are getting a little munched. I dont know what to put on them though, I bet Jackie would know.
